What is ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis)?
ABA is a science which involves the application of the principles of behavior. It is used to build socially significant behavior in the real world, everyday settings in order to improve the lives of individuals with autism. ABA involves defining target behaviors, recording data on those behaviors, and analyzing the data to make changes to treatments that are not effective.
How Can It Help My Child?
Behavior Analysts will meet with your child and assess their behaviors. They will then work with youto design a plan to help your child meet their goals. Behavior Technicians will implement that plan with your child under the supervision of the Behavior Analyst.
Where Can My Child Receive Services?
It is best for your child to receive services in the location the goals they're working on take place. For example, if your child is learning how bedtime routine the best place to learn that would be in the natural environment of their home.
Where Does Empower Kids Provide Services?
At home, school, in our office, and in the community.